
Thursday, November 26, 2009

Relinguish 'nepuh mulut' out of my territory

Adoii... hidup tak senang setiap kali hadirnya "n'epuh mulut" ini. Makan tak senang, bila kunyah terkena kawasan yang nepuh tu (fuhh... nikmatnya!!). Kali ini kena lagi.. Cukup tersiksa tapi alhamdulillah. Aku sedar ini adalah untuk recognize me to remember Him in every second. Thanks God!!

Setiap kali hadir nepuh ini, bercakap pun dah tak betul. Air liur penuh dalam mulut (ini suatu normal reaction) yang perlu ditelan each time I wanna talk. Tetapi setiap tutur kata masih mampu difahami orang lain. Okey lagi kan?

Factually, i will often get more than 2 nepuh places (may be 3 or 4 and may not be 1). I do not know why it is happened for every two weeks and it is so terrible? Most people said that I do not have adequate water in my body, thus my body temperature will rise up. Some of them agreed with and also stated that I do not have enough Vitamin C. A few said that I frequently having bath in night which is stimulate ulcer but I argued. 

In action to avert ulcer to be, I merely drink more water and eat more fruits containing vitamin C and perhaps it will reduce likelihood ulcer to happen.

Okeylah.. dah malas nak cerita pasal ulser lagi. Now i'm suffering of having ulcer!... Thanks God and please aid me to undergo all this. It's better for me to be dumb right now and i put forward in your (Allah) hand after all endeavours.